- Preislisten
- Nuance
- LIC-A289G-RD7-16.0-A
SKU LIC-A289G-RD7-16.0-A
Dragon Professional 16; Upgrade to Dragon Professional 16 from Professional V15 and up; Preisstaffel 10-50 User/Sprecher

- Dragon Professional 16
- Upgrade to Dragon Professional 16 from Professional V15 and up
- Preisstaffel 10-50 User/Sprecher
Hersteller: | Nuance |
Brutto: | 419,91 € |
Netto: | 352,86 € |
Frachtkosten: | nein |
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Dragon Professional 16; Upgrade to Dragon Professional 16 from Professional V15 and up; Preisstaffel 10-50 User/Sprecher
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Martin Hristov